Mesothelioma Medical Treatment Power of Attorney -
A mesothelioma medical treatment power of attorney is important to have in place. This document is officially called the durable power of attorney for health care. You may have already set up a power of attorney to designate someone to make financial and legal decisions on your behalf. This is different.
Specifying who will carry out your end-of-life wishes for mesothelioma medical treatment and exactly what your wishes are comprise the two main components of an advanced care directive. Your estate planning attorney’s services should include preparation of these forms.
Who Will Make Mesothelioma Medical Treatment Power of Attorney Decisions for You?
The person you select as your power of attorney for mesothelioma medical treatment will step in to make decisions when you no longer can. This person is considered your agent. Most people name a spouse, partner, relative, or close friend as their agent. In California and other states, your agent cannot be:
- your health care provider
- an employee of your health care provider, unless the individual is your registered domestic partner or is related to you by blood, marriage or adoption — or you and the employee both work for your health care provider
How to Decide Who Should Be Your Power of Attorney for Mesothelioma Medical Treatment
When deciding who will be your agent for your power of attorney as your mesothelioma progresses, keep in mind that the most vital qualities needed are trustworthiness and dependability. You should also choose someone you think will be able to defend your mesothelioma treatment wishes if others argue against them — someone who would be persistent and calm under pressure.
It is also important to make sure that the person you name is willing and able to travel to your bedside if necessary.
Best Ways to Help Prepare Whoever You Choose As Your Power of Attorney
Your agent will have to start making mesothelioma health care decisions for you if and when you are no longer able to do so. This can be stressful for him or her. There are steps you can take now to lessen the emotional strain.
Collect the information needed for decision-making. Talk to your doctor, oncologist and surgeon now to start understanding your options for mesothelioma treatment at the end of life. Organizations such as your local hospice also may have useful information.
Discuss your end-of-life choices with your agent. As difficult as it is, have a conversation about your decisions with your designated agent and make sure he or she feels prepared to carry out your wishes.
Some questions to discuss:
- Are there any medical treatments for mesothelioma you want or do not want?
- When you are dying, do you want to be in a nursing home, hospital or at home?
- What options for pain management and hospice care do you want pursued on your behalf?
Inform people of your preferences. Tell your doctor, family and close friends about your end-of-life wishes so they will understand and respect your agent’s actions on your behalf. Keep a copy of your signed completed advance health care directive in a safe logical place that is easily accessible.
Give a copy of your form to:
- The person you appoint as your agent and any alternate designated agents
- Your primary care physician
- Your other health care providers
- The health care institution that is providing your care
- Family members and close friends
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