Mesothelioma Interest Group: Congress 08"> International Mesothelioma Interest Group: Congress 08

Mesothelioma Interest Group: Congress 08">
International Mesothelioma Interest Group: Congress 08 -

In October 06, our firm was pleased to be a major sponsor of the International Mesothelioma Interest Group’s 8th Biennial Congress 06 in Chicago. We are again pleased to sponsor this year’s IMIG Congress 08 in Amsterdam, being held at the end of September. This Congress brings together the world’s leading experts in mesothelioma research from Australia, Belgium, Canada, Egypt, Finland, France, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, Norway, Turkey, South Africa, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States, with hundreds of attendees taking part in an extensive three-track educational program.

The program includes extensive sessions on the basic science of mesothelioma, developments on the imaging of tumors, the pathologic diagnosis of the disease, developments in the various methods of treating the disease, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and various forms of surgery, as well as developments in the epidemiology of mesothelioma and prevention. The program will also include presentation of scores of posters submitted by researchers from all over the world.

We remain committed to working with the medical profession in the hope that they will continue to better understand the way that mesothelioma develops and find effective methods of treatment and, we hope sometime soon, a cure. We hope to be able to bring you additional news about IMIG’s Congress 08 as plans develop. In the meantime, please visit IMIG’s web site and drop in on our IMIG congress page.

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